In this section, the philosophy and values of education will not be discussed but lot of you will be surprised to know that in these days, Machines e.g. Computers can even hear and understand your dictations to provide you a written copy or to transmit that to your friends and relatives instantly, even if they are on the other side of this Globe or walk on the surface of the Moon or Mars. This "Information Storage and Transfer Technology" is another modern addition to our society from the brains. Before ending, it must be added here that ITE intends to keep a proper Student to Teacher ratio for proper attention to each and every individual. And The Government, Regulations on reservation for SC, ST and OBC will always be observed to cater education to the deprived section of Indian Society - at - large.
The R & D division of ITE encourages the student to do several REAL - TIME Practical Projects in different disciplines. Thus, students are coached and trained for competitive exam like IAS, WBCS etc. in INDIA. With time, R & D division will shift its activities from more Industry oriented research to more academic oriented research to create more teachers than more managers.
Practice Teaching Training: Students are sent to different schools for two months to develop their teaching ability. The students are sent to the secondary & higher secondary schools within 5 K.M. for practice teaching before their final teaching examination.
- BRATACHARI TRAINING: Students are given Bratachari training by the experts for co-curricular activity.
- OTHER TRAINING: Students are given the first aid training by the first aid expert for co-curricular activity.
- COMPUTER LAB The Institute has a fully air conditioned computer laboratory having 30 PC connected to a Central server through Local Area Network. In free time any students get laboratory for computer practice. Students are trained for advanced computing in future. All the PC having Internet connection through proxy Server. So students can be attached to the world through Internet.
- EDUCATIONAL LAB: The Institute provides educational lab with all kinds of teaching aids and having accommodation of 50 students at a time.
- SOCIAL SCIENCE LAB: In our social science lab, we have kept a wide array of advanced equipment, laminated maps, 3D models and many more to make the learning and teaching process engaging. This lab has enabled us to simplify the concepts through different activities so that the students can easily learn.
- MATHEMATICS LAB: The Maths lab in our school is well-equipped with tools and models helping the students of all classes to understand the mathematical concepts easily. Different areas of maths like algebra, geometry are taught using the models and equipment to increase cognitive skills of the students.
- ART AND CRAFT RESOURCE CENTER: One of the significant content of our school is art and craft. Apart from teaching the students drawing, crafts are also taught by our highly qualified teachers. This resource center plays a great role in enhancing the creativity of our pupils.
- MUSIC LAB: We have set up music lab in our school with the objective of promoting the knowledge of music among our students. In arranging concerts and other musical performances, our mentors train the students using various instruments like harmonium, guitar, veena, and others.
- HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION LAB: Without good health, students can’t perform well in subjects. So, we have established health and physical education lab in our school where they play sports and learn exercises to stay fit.
- SCIENCE LAB: Our well-spaced and equipped science lab has all the facilities to assist the students in all the three branches of science namely, physics, chemistry, and biology. By letting the students to perform the experiments individually, our teachers provide one to one attention.
- LANGUAGE LAB: Language is crucial to express views and ideas. In our language lab, the English speaking skills of the students are worked upon with the help of audios. Topics like pronunciation, accent, rhythm, and vowels are dealt with so that the students can face communication challenges in future.
The Institute has a computerized central library with the objective of supporting academic and research Programmes of the Institute. The library is centrally placed and easily accessible. The library has a collection of over 5000 volumes in different subjects, 7 technical journals (national and international) and other periodicals, magazines and dailies (Regional-3, English-2). The major thrust areas of the library collection are technical, management, education, language teaching, literature of Bengali and English. The library also has a sizeable collection of materials in History, Cultural Studies and Religion. The library also possesses reports, pamphlets, articles, audio and video-cassettes collected from sources in India. The Reference Section for Bengali and English contain documents such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. There is also a separate textbook section housing books prescribed for specific courses provided by the Institute.
- It has a well-furnished reading hall and provided with a number of study oriented journals.
- Internet facility and photocopying facility are also available.
- The Library is open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all week days.
- The Library on the campus is a well-organized one with an adequate with the good collection of books.
- It is fully equipped with modern tools of learning such as computers, CD, CD ROMS, and LCD projectors.
- Audio- visual learning aids will also be part of this knowledge-centre.
- Library has acquired software for computerizing library services, with Web OPAC facility.
- Language learning laboratory for improving communication skills of the students has been established.